Local Planning
Date of
Notification: 1953, 1994,
National Grid
Reference: SH
575814 – SH 641811
OS Maps: 1:50,000
Sheet number: 115
Sheet number: SH58SE & SH68SW
Site Area:
103.2 102.8
ha (approx)
Extending over 7 km along the eastern tip of Anglesey (from Trwyn Du to
west of Bryn Offa), this site is selected for its geological, botanical,
ornithological and marine biological features.
The geological interest of
the site comprises Tandinas quarry (a large disused limestone quarry) and
associated north facing cliffs overlooking Traeth Coch. This site is of special interest as the type locality for
the Carboniferous Limestone Tandinas Formation, defined here at Tandinas
Quarry, and which is the thickest and most complete section through this Asbian
unit. The succession shows the finest Asbian examples of minor cycles, with
many rhythmic repetitions of lithologies, frequently with just two beds
representing a cycle. Terrestrial fabrics in the limestones are common,
indicating emergence of the area as land. This is a key site for environmental
interpretation in what was a very shallow marine to emergent situation in late
Dinantian times. These beds have a
common shelly fauna which is important for regional correlation within the
Carboniferous Limestone outcrops of North Wales.
The terrestrial interest of the
site is of special interest for its comprises
wet heath, calcareous dry heath, neutral grassland, maritime grassland and
base-rich flushes, as well as for a large population
of lesser butterfly orchid Platanthera bifolia and breeding colonies of
cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo. Cepphus
grylle and the notable species
associated with these.
Situated largely on
Carboniferous Limestone sea cliffs and clifftop, this site enjoys the
relatively dry sunny climate of southeast Anglesey, although its northerly
aspect brings cool conditions and a later growing season. Limestone rock outcrops on the cliffs and
sporadically elsewhere but is often covered by glacial till, reflected in a
patchwork of soils and vegetation. Fedw Fawr common supports wet heath on peaty
gley soils. It is characterised by
cross- leaved
heath Erica tetralix, and bog moss Sphagnum compactum with bell
heather Erica cinerea, western gorse Ulex gallii, and heather Calluna
vulgaris prominent along with more local species such as petty whin Genista
anglica. Along drainage lines and
hollows, purple moor- grass
Molinia caerulea is more abundant with black bog- rush Schoenus nigricans, and
bog asphodel Narthecium ossifragum and these areas are particularly rich
in species such as saw-wort Serratula tinctoria and common butterwort Pinguicula
vulgaris. Mountain everlasting Antennaria
dioica and fir clubmoss Huperzia selago are found here in one of
their few Anglesey locations. The
perimeter of willow Salix spp. and European gorse Ulex europaeus bushes
contribute to the value of the common, especially for its invertebrate fauna
such as the lunar hornet moth Sphecia bembeciformis and the sallow
kitten Harpya furcula, and for its bird fauna. At Bryn Offa common an area of unusual calcareous heath, situated
on Precambrian schists but influenced by calcareous drift, combines both acid
and lime tolerant species such as bell heather and western gorse with common
rock-rose Helianthemum
quaking grass Briza media, columbine Aquilegia vulgaris, carline
thistle Carlina vulgaris and burnet rose Rosa pimpinellifolia.
Neutral grasslands with
common knapweed Centaurea nigra, crested dog's-tail Cynosurus
cristatus and common bird’s-foot- trefoil Lotus
corniculatus occur in fields adjoining the heath and the seacliffs. In places, where the soil is more acid,
heath-grass Danthonia decumbens and tormentil Potentilla erecta
are frequent. Notable species of these
grasslands include fragrant orchid Gymnadenia conopsea,
lesser butterfly-orchid (need to emphasise as
of special interest in its own right) Platanthera
bifolia and green -winged orchid Orchis morio. The particularly large population of the declining lesser butterfly-orchid Platanthera bifolia found on Fedw Fawr is also of special interest also. (LATIN NAME
Where lime rich water
flows down to the coast and cliff there are stands of flushed mire vegetation
characterised by a flora of black bog rush, blunt- flowered rush Juncus subnodulosus,
grass- of- parnassus Parnassia
palustris, cowslip Primula veris, bog pimpernel Anagallis tenella
and a profusion of sedges and mosses.
Maritime grasslands dominated by red fescue Festuca rubra, thrift
Armeria maritima and Yorkshire- fog Holcus lanatus clothe much
of the cliff with species tolerant of salt spray such as sea plantain Plantago
maritima (which here supports the nationally scarce weevil Trichosirocalus
dawsoni) and areas of blackthorn Prunus spinosa scrub.
Other notable species
include sea- kale
Crambe maritima on areas of shingle and sea stork’s-bill Erodium
maritimum. A nationally important breeding population of over
100 pairs of cormorant utilise the site’s sea cliffs, and the cliffs below Fedw
Fawr also support Britain’s most southerly breeding colony of black
guillemot. The cliffs are also used as
breeding sites by peregrine falcon, fulmar, and shag and a
large colony of cormorant (emphasise as above) and
also include the most southerly breeding colony of black guillemot (emphasise as above) in
The shore is
the best example of marine communities typical of limestone shores exposed to
moderate degrees of wave exposure in the area between Bardsey Island and Great
Orme’s Head. It is also of special
interest for the presence of diverse rockpool and rock overhang communities,
extensive rocky shore community zonation patterns and for the presence of two
communities of restricted national distribution. The topography of the shore is extremely varied, with steep
limestone cliffs, and gently sloping or horizontal platforms with vertical or
undercut edges and numerous eroded crevices.
In places the cliffs have eroded to form beaches of cobbles, pebbles or
huge boulders. This variety of habitats
gives rise to a wide range of marine plant and animal communities.
Rocky shore communities
form visible ‘zones’ down a good proportion of the shore. Such patterns of zonation are the result of
different species’ tolerance’s to desiccation, temperature extremes and
sunlight and their abilities to compete with other species for space. Yellow and grey
lichen communities dominate bedrock and boulder surfaces above mean high water,
with barnacles, the black tar lichen Verrucaria maura and the seaweeds
channel wrack Pelvetia canaliculata and spiral wrack Fucus spiralis
dominating rock surfaces immediately below.
A wide band of barnacles, particularly the acorn barnacle Semibalanus
balanoides, common limpets Patella vulgata and common mussels Mytilus
edulis occurs on steep mid-shore sections.
These sections are interspersed with gently sloping limestone platforms
which are less exposed to wave action, and here the seaweed serrated wrack Fucus
serratus is abundant within the barnacle, limpet and mussel zone. In places, however, the limestone platforms
are scoured by sand and tidal action, such that the only species to survive are
ephemeral species of seaweed with occasional clusters of common mussels in
Lower on the
shore bedrock, boulder and cobble surfaces are covered by a range of seaweeds,
including serrated wrack, and the red seaweeds Mastocarpus stellatus and
Ceramium sp. At the lowest
reaches oarweed Laminaria digitata forms a narrow zone along most of the
shore. In places, vertical limestone
bedrock and boulder surfaces in both the oarweed and the serrated wrack zones
are burrowed into by piddocks and wrinkled rock borers Hiatella arctica. These communities are uncommon in Wales,
being found only on a few limestone shores on north-east Anglesey, the Great
Orme and south Pembrokeshire.
communities of marine plants and animals inhabiting rockpools and the surfaces
under rock overhangs occur on this shore.
Of particular interest are shallow rockpools with coral weed Corallina
officinalis and other red seaweeds, as well as deeper rockpools with brown
seaweeds (fucoids) and kelp, and sediment-floored rockpools with fucoids and
other seaweeds. These rockpools occur
along the length of the site. Under
rock overhangs on the lower shore many species benefit from the damp, shaded
conditions, including sponges (Haliclona viscosa, Hymeniacidon
perleve, purse sponge Grantia compressa, breadcrumb sponge Halichondria
panicea and boring sponge Cliona celata), sea-squirts (Morchellium
argus and Botrylloides leachi), worms (Polydora sp., Pomatoceros
sp. and greenleaf worm Eulalia viridis), anemones (Sagartia elegans
and plumose anemone Metridium senile), and species of bryozoan, hydroid,
soft coral, mollusc, barnacle and algae.
Certain areas of the site below mean high water form part of Y Fenai a Bae Conwy/Menai Strait and Conwy Bay candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC), under the EC Habitats Directive (Directive 92/43/EEC on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Fauna and Flora 1992). The site contains areas of Shallow Inlets and Bays and Reefs , habitats listed on Annex I of the Directive which are important features of the cSAC.
Between 1953 and January 2001, part of the site was
notified as Fedw Fawr SSSI under the National Parks and Access to the
Countryside Act, 1949. Parts of that
site were renotified as Fedw Fawr – Caeau Ty Cydwys SSSI and Tandinas Quarry
SSSI in 1994 under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended).
This site is within the Anglesey Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty
Biodiversity Action Plan Habitats of lowland heathland, unimproved
neutral grasslandlowland meadows, fen, and maritime cliff and slope, purple moor grass and rush
pastures and lowland calcareous grassland s are found on
the site.
Part of this site has
been selected in the Nature Conservancy Council’s Geological
Conservation Review, a national
survey and evaluation of sites of geological and geomorphological interest. The
site is described in the following GCR volume: COSSEY,
P.J. et al. In prep. British Lower Carboniferous
Stratigraphy. Geological Conservation Review Series, Joint
Nature Conservation Committee, Peterborough.