Grid Reference: SH299900
Site Area: 9.6
This site is designated for its botanical
interest. The most noteworthy feature is the presence of a large population of
the nationally rare annual rockrose Tuberaria Guttata growing in one of
its nine known British localities. This is the only extant site on the main
island of Anglesey, seven of the remainder being on Holy Island with one in the
Lleyn Peninsula.
Tuberaria guttata is associated
with thin acidic soils on rocky ridgelines or steep slopes. The more frequent
associated species include sheep's fescue Festuca ovina, common bent Agrostis
capillaris, squirreltail fescue Vulpa bromoides, early hair‑grass
Aira praecox, heather Calluna vulgaris, bell heather Erica
cinerea, western gorse Ulex gallii, spring squill Scilla verna
and English stonecrop Sedum anglicum.
Other notable plant species present include the nationally uncommon golden‑samphire Inula crithmoides on the sea cliffs, and the locally uncommon prickly sedge Carex muricata subsp. lamprocarpa and dodder Cuscuta epithymum.