The Skerries, a rocky island group situated off the northwestern tip of Anglesey, is an important bird colony, managed by the RSPB. The site currently supports the largest breeding colony of arctic terns in Wales, with 2035 pairs in 2005, along with 101 pairs of common tern, 522 pairs of lesser black-backed gulls, 40 pairs of greater black backed gulls, 1123 herring gulls, an estimated 276 apparently occupied puffin burrows, and the occasional roseate tern. The terns here are clearly part of a larger Irish Sea population, which has used a variety of breeding locations over the years. Access is generally restricted to Reserve staff and Trinity House lighthouse maintenance staff. Visiting yachts and kayaks are asked to enter the harbour west of the lighthouse and cooperate with the wardens to avoid disturbance to nesting birds from May through August.
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